Emotional contagion, according to Wikipedia, “is the tendency for two individuals to emotionally converge.” As Ebola spreads further, what is spreading faster than the disease itself are the emotions surrounding …
There is an Ebola outbreak occurring in West Africa, that is taking many lives and instilling fear in many parts of the world. While the disease has not significantly spread …
I wanted it I built iFeelio for me. I wanted to have a tool to give me the space to express what I was ACTUALLY feeling. To actually figure out …
This could be the most common question I get after people have been using iFeelio for a week or two. Are you sure you can’t read what I’m entering? I …
“I’ll answer the question…You want answers?” “I think I’m entitled to them.” “You want answers?!?” “I want the TRUTH!!” “You can’t HANDLE the truth!!!” If you’re not familiar with this …
en-: to cause (a person or thing) to be in the place, condition, or state named by the stem. A friend of mine and I were chatting today and he …
Decision making is hard. And yet, can be so easy. Many times in my life I have been paralyzed by indecision. I have always struggled to make the pro/con analysis …
Why encrypt your journal? The use case I like to quote is imagine that you want to show your friend a photo on your phone. You pull out the phone, …
If you haven’t seen this yet, please watch it. And then stop watching it. Or don’t watch it, actually, don’t even read this post. You see, iFeelio is about connecting …
No. I’m not. I like psychology. I also like poetry. And literature. And intercultural communications. And religion. And neuroscience. And language. I believe that psychologists are not the only people …
The humor of Bill Murray is something I have deeply admired for most of my life–a la Caddyshack, Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, and Ghostbusters. I recently read about how …
This afternoon, I watched the US play Ghana in the first round of the World Cup at a bar in Oakland. Despite being surrounded by many Americans, there were more …
I woke up to this article, and it metaphorically spun my head around. What I took from it (whether it actually said this or not) is that strong relationships are …
I went one week without speaking to anyone. Well, that was the goal. I had lost my voice for some unknown reason. I thought I had just been talking too …
When I was in college, I had a few internships with Caterpillar, one of the world’s largest manufacturing companies. One day, the intern manager called all the interns asking if …
I’ve realized what has been missing in my life: play. The spontaneous bursts of joy that result from unexpected laughter, random off-the-wall antics, and pure silliness. I was sitting in …
I was walking down the Oakland sidewalk, returning from my lunch, when I saw from a distance, a tall black man in a black hoody sprint across the sidewalk towards …