“Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds.” Does your mind feel free? How about your heart? Are you stuck somewhere? For the last few months, …
What is the opposite of freedom? Security? Why the heck do we think security is the opposite of freedom? Wouldn’t the opposite of free be not free? To be stuck, …
“You hurt me. So I’m gonna hurt you. And then we’ll be even.” It astonishes me how we seek revenge towards people who cause us pain and then assume that …
I exhale. Again, another person saying how we live in a post-truth world, as if truth has ever mattered more than trust. Trust is the issue and nobody seems to …
When something makes you feel bad—be it sad, embarrassed, ashamed, angry, guilty, etc.—what is your communication strategy? By that I mean, do you tell people the truth about it, hide …
What if you had to drop everything that you were doing and immediately give a speech on something that you had not prepared? How capable would you be in delivering …
In a world of so much content, why would I produce more? It just seems as if we are constantly being inundated with stuff to watch, to hear, to see, …
For the last few weeks, I’ve been struggling with tight IT bands, or at least that’s what it seems. I’ve had some pain in the knees and tightness, which creeped …
With the first debate of the 2016 U.S. Presidential race occurring tonight, I have politics on my mind. Having spent the last two years developing and training people in a …
When was the last time you massaged your forehead? If you’re like me, you have no idea that it was even a thing. Today, while looking in the mirror, pondering …
I listened to this talk by the muse Alan Watts the other day and in it he says that in the West, we view the purpose of life as work …
This morning, as I went for a walk around the neighborhood, I pondered how addicted I have felt to screens, the internet, online chat, text messaging, and a whole host …
At a leadership workshop a few weeks back, a new friend of mine asked me if I knew what the origin of the word worry was. Being unsure yet curious, …
There’s something about waking up to music. I’m not talking about the alarm clock that jars you awake. Funnily enough, I stick with one tune to wake me up so …
There is something about waking up before the rest of the city that makes it seem much less like a city. While walking down the streets of Culver City before …
I believe that many of us humans live with an inferiority complex. We say that we’re superior to all other animals, when in fact we wish we could be like …
I had a conversation with an old roommate a few days ago. He asked me to tell him about the life of Jim and I immediately launched into how I …
I noticed in today’s headlines that Elon Musk and SpaceX are planning to land a payload on Mars in 2 years. What. Half of his news stories feature him promising …
Again, the Atlantic amazes me. This morning, I read an article entitled “How Animals Think.” Numerous times through the article, I leaned back in my chair and said, “Whoa.” I …