Whenever searching for inspiration, one place I stop is The Atlantic. Today, they had a post entitled The Humanist’s Paradox, and it instantly got my heart pumping. I began college …

Last night at bible study, one of the questions was, “Who do you find is the most difficult to forgive?” I immediately said, “Ooo,” which of course got everyone’s attention. …

transitive v. Archaic To breathe life into. You will come across many blogs that claim that the following 17 things will save your life. Or 7.5 simple signs that you …

Objective “You are stunning.” “This food is disgusting.” “The conference was impressive.” Subjective “I feel stunned when I look at you.” “I feel disgusted when I eat this food.” “I …

“Interesting blog,” is how my friend started a chat with me this morning. To which I responded, “I feel a little worried: interesting is one of the most emotional and …

I have spent so much time in my life trying to be right. Trying to design the perfect website. Trying to design the perfect argument. Trying to make sure that …

“We are Michael Brown!” shout black people. “I am Darren Wilson,” proclaim white people. The situation in Ferguson is not about Ferguson. It is not about Michael Brown. It is …

Originally posted on the iFeelio blog… ********** You’ve heard it before. “That guy was such an idiot.” Or, “this job is junk.” Or, “that woman over there is stunning.” Let’s …

I have a little tree inside of me. A little tree of self-worth. It says to me, “I am a good person.” Unfortunately, it is very fragile. When somebody shouts …

“People are like, ‘Wayne Brady’s always happy!’” he says. “No I’m not. Because I’m human.” I’ve previously posted about Bill Murray having trouble connecting with himself. A few months ago, …

Emotional contagion, according to Wikipedia, “is the tendency for two individuals to emotionally converge.” As Ebola spreads further, what is spreading faster than the disease itself are the emotions surrounding …

There is an Ebola outbreak occurring in West Africa, that is taking many lives and instilling fear in many parts of the world. While the disease has not significantly spread …

“I’ll answer the question…You want answers?” “I think I’m entitled to them.” “You want answers?!?” “I want the TRUTH!!” “You can’t HANDLE the truth!!!” If you’re not familiar with this …

Decision making is hard. And yet, can be so easy. Many times in my life I have been paralyzed by indecision. I have always struggled to make the pro/con analysis …