I can still remember the day*. I was studying at the University of Illinois and my friend Michelle and I hadn’t seen each other for quite a while. She came up to me and said, “Jim! It’s been a minute!” Puzzled, I replied, “No, Michelle, it’s been like 3 months.” She then shook her head with a smile on her face, “Jim! It’s an expression.” More puzzled, I replied, “It is?”
I guess it is.
I tell this story, one, to show how language can be confusing as all get out (thought it was all get up!). And two, to say that yes, it has been a minute since I’ve posted on here.
I’m back.
*I don’t actually remember the day. I’m not even sure if it was Michelle who said that to me first, or how long we had gone without seeing each other, but the gist, ya know, the gist is what matters.