I believe that many of us humans live with an inferiority complex. We say that we’re superior to all other animals, when in fact we wish we could be like them. We dream to fly like an eagle. We dream to run like a cheetah. We dream to swim like a dolphin. So we make airplanes. We make cars. We make submarines. We transform the world around us so that we can escape the infallibility of humanity, to replace our weaknesses with the strengths of others.
But in this process, we forget our own strengths. We ignore our ability to communicate. We ignore our ability to run long distances. We ignore our pattern recognition genius.
We ignore the power of our own bodies, while we focus on its weakness.
How would we relate to the world if we embraced the strengths of being a human while respecting the strengths that other beings had?
We are no better or worse than any other being, just different–and mostly the same.