Ever been in a situation where you forgot to do something, immediately felt guilty about not doing it, time passed, you still didn’t do it, you felt more and more guilty, and eventually you got to the point where it weighed heavily on your conscience?
Excellent, you’re not a robot.
I spoke with two of my friends this afternoon about a few promises that we had made to others, how we broke those promises, and how we have been avoiding reaching out to these people precisely because we feel so guilty.
What occurred to me is that so often we will avoid interacting with some of the people for whom we care the most because we feel so guilty for something that we did (or didn’t do) in the past. I have gone months avoiding some people whom I dearly love simply because I had done one thing that broke a promise, broke my “integrity.”
This is when I remember one of the most powerful formulas I have found:
If I feel guilty, say sorry.
So I’ll say sorry, the sooner the better because who knows how long we’ll have in this world of ours and why postpone human connection simply because we feel so guilty? Heck, the other person may not even think it was a big deal.
Who is one person that you’ve been avoiding because you feel so guilty for what you did or didn’t do to them in the past? Say sorry and move forward, together.