    00:08 Setting the Time Travel Stage 01:52 The Confusion of Time Zones 03:10 The Disorienting Effect of Travel

Hello everyone, welcome to another Daily Gym. Today is Thursday, May 23rd, 2024.

And for me, the episode today is, What Time Is It?

So I was at this Make Music Not War project the other day, and I told one of the groups, I said, you have one minute left before we come back in because the main trainer told me to go around and tell these groups so I told them one minute and the guy says hey just like five seconds ago he said we had two minutes and I replied to him time is relative and then now I'm here back in the U.S. Going to a wedding tomorrow and I don't know what time it is I moved from Nairobi Kenya which is close to the equator, which means the sun comes up approximately 6 in the morning and goes down approximately 6 p.m. every day, from my understanding. I went from there. I moved back one hour to Germany in terms of time zone, but I went much farther north. And in northern Germany, I believe the sun set at 9.30 p.m. at night, and it didn't get dark until maybe 10, 10.30.

I don't know what time the sun came up I don't do the morning sometimes but then shifting from there I think back 6 hours in time zone to Michigan, and a little bit further south so the sun still stays up pretty late but not as much I don't think.

And so I'm just so confused. Like I left this morning and arrived this morning in Michigan.

And I think sometimes, I don't know, I'm going to try to make this all big and fluffy and universal, but if people haven't traveled across time zones, maybe people don't understand this challenge.

But it's not just the time zone. it's also the location it's also the weather it's also the the sun it's also the uh the birds the animals the insects the there's so many things that can change just by traveling and it can be so disorienting in some way like where we where am i like what time is it but it's also like where where am i actually right now what where am i what's going on um i think sometimes this This can be very disorienting, and I think people who travel a lot maybe feel this a lot. And I think when we think of leaders, leaders often are traveling a lot. Leaders of large companies or large organizations or governments, and how disorienting it might be for them as well. I could go on and on about this, but I'm really tired. This episode's going to be really short because I want to sleep, because I want to go to this wedding tomorrow and have some energy. Energy so on that note this is the end of the week um i will talk to you all on monday thank you for listening to this very short version of wait what time is it.

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