    00:09 Introduction 01:00 The Irony of Not Being Profound 01:52 Communication Beyond Words 02:21 Rest and Recharge

Hello everyone, welcome to another Daily Gym. Today is Wednesday, August 7th, 2024. Today I want to talk about, I have no idea, let's say the pressure I put on myself to sound profound.

That's good. So I think I can put a lot of pressure on myself to come up with the pithy or profound argument or case or statement or expression, to describe the human condition.

And how hard that can sometimes be when one feels a little under the weather, or as we'd say in the U.S., or a little sick, maybe a little exhausted and tired, a bit drained in the body and voice as well. And maybe the irony is that there is profound in not being profound there's something profound in saying hey i'm tired the body wants to sleep my friends want to hang out there's internal conflict how do i hang out with friends but also sleep respecting both me and them and my body.

And dancing with this internal conflict that, yeah, admits the conflict of me saying, okay, what am I going to talk about? I don't really know what to talk about today. Oh, nothing is coming to mind. It's just kind of blank.

Yeah, I think sometimes there's a lot said and what's not said. And as a person who often talks about what are we saying with our words, a lot of times certain looks will communicate a lot of information.

Often silences communicate a lot of information as well. Length of a podcast episode can communicate information. The background noise can communicate information. So much can communicate about what's going on with us. And um yeah sometimes if the body is tired and it doesn't want to talk maybe we should just let it rest a little bit and talk more when it does so on that note i will talk to you all tomorrow take care bye.

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