    00:14 Generous Givers, Stingy Receivers 02:28 Balancing Giving and Receiving 04:07 The Fear of Receiving 05:33 Reflecting on Personal Experiences 06:25 Embracing Love and Support 07:09 The Importance of Wanting to Receive

Hello everyone, welcome to another Daily Gym. Today is Monday, October 14th, 2024. And today I want to talk about how generous givers are often stingy receivers.

So this may be similar to some of the episodes I did last week, I'm not too sure, but this came up for me because of some personal issues and just realizing I haven't had a lot of money for many, many years. I worked at a consulting firm I think last time was 2011 with this one I was making about six thousand dollars a month which is a lot for somebody who's 26 in the U.S. Really good money and um but I haven't really been anywhere near it since and I think when I think about it I want to get to that level and I'm trying to get to that level I'm like that's something happened recently I'm like why am I only trying to get to that level why do I only want to reach that level, and I started thinking about how much I give to other people or how much I believe I give to others and I give and I give and I give and I want to give so much but to receive I don't want to receive that much please if you give me something if I receive it I have to give it back immediately I have to match it like I talked about last week I have to earn my money I can't just receive money I have to earn it, meaning I receive and give. It's got to balance perfectly. Or frankly, you know, people who make profits receive more than they give. But that's a whole different conversation.

And I just thought about what a disservice I'm doing to myself. If you think about giving and receiving like breathing. Giving is maybe exhaling. Receiving is inhaling. If all I do is exhale, I literally die.

Inspires to breathe in, expires to breathe out. If I just expire, all I'm doing is I'm dying. I can give, I can give, give, give, give, give. But if I also don't receive, and if I don't receive in similar amounts, it doesn't have to be exactly, it doesn't have to be at the exact same time. Breathing is breathing in, breathing out, breathing in, breathing out. I'm not doing both at the same time. It's quite impossible. So this idea of balancing it perfectly in the exact moment, trying to match it perfectly or try to get it very close. It's just not how it works. It's breathing in, it's breathing out. It's receiving, it's giving, it's receiving, it's giving.

A friend, when I, you know, asked people to do, I think it was crowd employment or something, and he said he felt a tinge of resentment when he read it and had to put the phone down. And I think it's because he likes to give so much. He spent three hours on the phone with me, trying to help me. But to receive, ha, no, no, no, he is very stingy in receiving. He doesn't like to receive.

Asking people to give or asking people, telling people what he wants to receive, ha, hey, He said, he also told me he admired that I could ask people for help and ask people for financial help. Because for him, it was hard enough to ask people for help with some project that he was working on. And that was just kind of moral support and maybe a little bit of copywriting or copy editing stuff.

And I just think, what would happen in this world? How would my life change if I wanted to receive a lot? Because I want to give a lot to a lot of people. What if I wanted to receive a lot from a lot of people? Like legitimately wanted to receive. Not like, okay, I'll let you give me something. But like I want to receive. I want to receive a lot of help financially. I want to receive a lot of help emotionally. What if I wanted to receive a lot of help physically? Maybe I wanted somebody, hey, can you give me a massage? Hey, can you help me lift this thing? What if I wanted to receive a lot from others? How much could I give to others?

I think the problem in saying that I want to receive something, people go, you're greedy, you're selfish, you don't care about others, you just care about yourself. Maybe that just means they're not seeing how much I'm giving, or they don't believe in it. Or maybe it means that they're giving and they don't want to, because they feel guilty, they feel ashamed receiving anything, any type of help, any type of support, any type of attention.

What if we want to receive as much as we want to give and we want to give a lot and we want to receive a lot how would that change our society if some of the people who have the biggest hearts who want to give so much also want to receive so much so they don't burn out so they don't become resentful so they don't die how many people die literally because we give so much and we don't receive anything. How many people don't go to the hospital because they're unwilling to receive help? Because they're unwilling to receive attention. They're unwilling to receive money and so they starve. Or they have the hospital bill and they ignore it because they can't pay for it, because they're not asking people, because they're not telling people they want to receive help.

I'm getting, I'm getting sad. I'm getting worked up because how many people in my life has this happened to?

And how much has it happened to me?

Because I haven't wanted to receive that much. I've been really stingy and wanting to receive. Ah, no, no, no, no, that's fine. Ah, okay, that's enough. Oh, that's enough. Please, no, no, I'm good. Ah, no, no, no, no, no, thank you, thank you very much. Here, let me pay you back. Let me balance it out. No, no, no, I don't want to receive, like I have to give. No, no, no, no, no. What about just receiving and saying thank you?

Man, I'm really grateful for you.

And I don't know where I'd be without you. What about doing that?

What about just wanting to receive love?

And give love. Receive it and give it and receive it and give it. And just how much more loving could this world be if we learned how to receive love? That we wanted to receive love. A lot of love. And then we want to give a lot of love. What world would we have? I think the biggest holdup for so many of us is that we can be really generous in giving, but we can be so damn stingy in receiving.

Myself included so i want to receive a lot more i want to receive a lot because i want to give a lot and if i'm only giving a lot and i'm not receiving a lot then i will not last very long on this earth, so this may seem over dramatic to some of you but i have seen way too many things with too many people just burning out literally expiring.

So i hope i get a lot better at this and not even get better at this i hope i want this i want this i want to receive a lot and if it pisses people off and if it makes people think that i'm greedy and jealous and selfish or greedy and selfish and egotistical and and self-centered and all this bullshit that we say to people who actually want to receive some help then fine, that says more about their unwillingness to receive their stinginess when it comes to receiving, because if somebody only receives we die too we have to receive and give and receive and give.

So yeah so i want to receive help i want financial help i want people i want to receive money so i can do so many things with it not so i can just sit in a bank but so i can go to these conferences so I can go to these workshops so I can run events so I can build websites so I can build apps so I can do so much and give so much to help people but to do that I need to receive and I need to receive a lot so if you're excited about this please reach out to me please and if you think this makes me greedy and selfish and all that stuff please reflect on your own, unwillingness to receive because it may have a lot more to do with that than it has to do with me all right I'll talk to you all tomorrow bye Thank you.

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